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Drying Off Cows

Drying Off Cows

Drying off cows

Materials and equipment

- Antibiotics – Single dose syringes, Spectramast LC

- Single dose teat sealant syringes, Lockout

- Teat dips – iodine post dip, and post sealant dip

- Paper towels

- 4 x 4 cotton gauze

- 70% isopropyl alcohol

- Disposable gloves.

1. Verify the identification of the cow by number.

2. Route cow on Horizon

3. Milk the udder out completely.

4. Give the cow ‘Dry cow’ treatment in Horizon

5. Disinfect each teat end by scrubbing a few seconds with a separate alcohol-soaked cotton swab

6. Start with the teats on the far side of the udder, and work towards the near side

7. Infuse each quarter with a single dose syringe of a recommended dry off cow treatment.

8. Use the partial insertion method of administration into the teat streak canal.

9. Again using the partial insertion method, infuse each quarter with a single dose syringe of a recommended teat sealant

10. Dip all teats in a recommended teat dip immediately following treatment.

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