What is the Lely Horizon Client app?
With Lely Horizon installed on the farm PC it is possible to monitor your herd from that PC via a physical connection to the robot. With Horizon we already introduced the possibility to be connected to the cows from anywhere at any time with the mobile app. Now we take it to the next level by giving you the possibility to dive deeper into your herd performance with all the functionalities that the dedicated Horizon PC has, but instead on a laptop or PC that you have in another location such as your house.
Why the Horizon app for farmers?
The Lely Horizon client app gives you the possibility to access the desktop version of Horizon from a different network than the farm. When the dedicated Horizon PC is connected to the internet it will send all the necessary data to the cloud and give access to you remotely. With the home computer, the farmer can make analysis together with their advisor(s) without having to go to the Horizon PC that is in the barn in a lot of situations.
Downloading the app on a laptop or PC lets you have access to the farm whenever you want, from wherever you want. Like the mobile App, the Client App is available from the control package. The app can be used to check-in when you’re away on holidays or give remote support from the comfort of your house. All of this without having to use TeamViewer or other similar programs.
Where to get the app?
Because it is an app you can easily download it in the Microsoft store and have it installed. You can find the app by searching for “Lely Horizon”. After that, you can follow the same procedures to log in as for the mobile phone. You can log in with manual pairing by filling in the username, the password, and the product key. You can also use automatic pairing; in that case you only need a username and a password if you are on the same network as the farm PC. For the update, it works as the mobile App.